This painting has been sold
This painting has been sold •
This painting has been recently sold, however, this series includes more exquisite pieces. Please feel free to reach out to us if you are interested in viewing or acquiring other pieces from this series.
(Acrylic on stretched canvas)
162cm x 113cm • 63.78 x 44.48 inches
All in due time.
The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all.
For this painting I worked with broad brushes, knives and a very humble color palette, black, white and 2 shades of yellow was used. I finised off with matt Titan varnish.
The making
Sold• vendido • venut • Solgt • verkauft
This painting has been sold.
I can create something similar, contact me if you are interested!
quest ja està venut. Però puc pintar alguna cosa semblant, mai igual perquè són peces úniques i originals, poseu-vos en contacte amb mi si us interessa.
Este ya esta vendido. Si te interesa puedo pintar un parecido. Nunca serà igual porque son piezas únicas.
Dette maleri er solgt, Jeg kan lave noget lignende, kontakt mig hvis du er intersseret.
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