By Jonas Skov
‘(Acrylic on canvas 110cm x 140cm)
Some stories cant be written, but need to be told.
upon request i will share it with the buyer.
For this painting I worked with broad brushes and knives, and finished off with a clear Titan varnish.
Sold • vendido • venut • Solgt • verkauft
This painting has been sold, I can create something similar, contact me if you are interested!
quest ja està venut. Però puc pintar alguna cosa semblant, mai igual perquè són peces úniques i originals, poseu-vos en contacte amb mi si us interessa.
Este ya esta vendido. Si te interesa puedo pintar un parecido. Nunca serà igual porque son piezas únicas.
Dette maleri er solgt, Jeg kan lave noget lignende, kontakt mig hvis du er intersseret.
‘This painting is available, contact me if you are interested.
(worldwide shipping available)
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